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In The Media | Louisville

Explore media highlights featuring Mays Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Louisville, KY.

Browlift or Eyelift: Which One Is Right for You?

Dr. Chet Mays01/03/2024

Exploring the differences between these eye-enhancing procedures.


Facial Balancing: The Secret to Customized Rejuvenation

Dr. Chet Mays11/08/2023

With age, facial features lose collagen and elastin, and the internal structure weakens, resulting in asymmetries and an unbalanced appearance.


Back Treatments: How to Get Rid of That Pesky Bra Roll and More

Dr. Chet Mays11/08/2023

For patients who have lost large amounts of weight the skin can remain and be cumbersome to patients when wearing tighter clothing


Breast Irregularities That Doctors Say Are Totally Normal

Dr. Chet Mays08/07/2023

Don’t fret, these concerns are more common than not.


Dr. Chet Mays: A 101 on Mommy Makeovers and What They Entail

Dr. Chet Mays08/07/2023

Reclaiming confidence with a transformative procedure.


Improved Safety Opens These In-Office Treatments to All Skin Tones

Dr. Chet Mays08/07/2023

With new and better tech, previously unsafe treatments have become viable for patients of color.


Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Treatments You Should Avoid in the Summer

Dr. Chet Mays05/30/2023

Elective procedures such as plastic surgery can be performed year-round, but the


5 Things to Know If You’re Considering a Brazilian Butt Lift

Dr. Chet Mays05/09/2023

A handy guide to BBLs including risks, benefits, and recovery process.


This Top Surgeon Says the Power of Choice Equals Better Cosmetic Results

Dr. Chet Mays05/05/2023

Inside Dr. May's approach to rebuilding confidence from the inside out.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.